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Murray Lund

Posts: 30
Reg: 07-2005

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Tuesday, February 07, 2006 - 06:42 pm, by:  Murray Lund (Murray)

UZZ31 Engine Mounts Tutorial
1. Sit front of car on stands ($24 at Supercheap)using the alloy cross member


2. Remove front wheels
3. Spray some WD40 on the top and bottom nuts of the engine mounts
4. There's not a lot of space to get at the top nuts - on the passengers side I loosened a couple of brackets on the suspension air hose just to get a bit more room for a ring spanner. Bit of persistence required.


5. Remove top nut (17mm) with a spanner and the bottom nut (19mm) with a socket - (both sides).
6. Jack up the engine using a trolley jack under the sump with a piece of wood in between to spread the load. Jack up till you can get the mount out. The only thing I eased off in the engine bay was the big rubber hose between the airfilter and the inlet manifolds.
7. Fit new mount.(can be a bit fiddly as the new mount is stiffer than the old, I used the trolley jack handle just to compress the mount into the engine bracket).
8. Repeat on the other side.
9. Tighten everything up

Old mounts


Part number for UZZ3 engine mounts 12360-50110 $311 for 2 at Castle Hill Toyota (speak to James Sloane 8831 8831 and ask for SC discount).

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