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Expand/Collapse TopicMechanical - N/A 6 (JZZ31)
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Expand/Collapse TopicMechanical - V8
Car not getting enough fuel ?
Water pump replacement
Missing component?
1991 V8 Soarer revs high in park but limps to 2000 rpm in...
Running rich? Smelling fuel
Dreaded Alternator Warning Light
Soarer Coolant
1UZ R154 conversion trans mount
V8 radiators. do they differ over the years??
New thread looking for help to solve a problem with full ...
Archive through October 21, 2013
Archive through October 24, 2013
Archive through October 25, 2013
Archive through December 09, 2013
UZZ31 Replaced ECU, jumped FP to B+, still won't start...
Brake System
1uz v-belt idler
HELP! need mechanic for alternator probs QLD.
UZZ32 won't idle, replaced IAC and tried the fuel pump fi...
Wet Weather causing soarer to go into asian mode
Current oil opinions
Replacement intake valves
300,000km service
Parts Required for Hydraulic Fan Pump Overhaul
Hydro fan VVTI and Non VVTI
Car cuts out v8
Soarer headlights
V8 hunting idle when warm
Soarer v8 oil filter
1UZZ31 Cranks but will not start
Air filter v8
Oil filter replacement for v8
All v8's faster from 50-100kph than 0-50kph? Low rpm powe...
ECU failed. Check your ECU ASAP!
Fuel smell
Developed a miss
V8 issue when car is warmed up
Rough running hot cats
Raoul duke
All your crazy Soarer issues solved! (Most interesting th...
What 12 volts
Charcoal canister service
Won't start
How to run PCV + catch can
High idle only when cold, thoughts?
PCV valve - Where to buy?
Overheating very slightly
Steering Column Cushion
Help with uzz32
New Soarer already giving me the sh!ts.
Archive through November 01, 2016
Archive through November 23, 2016
Heads up. Cars being stolen. IMPORTANT INFO INSIDE!
Blown Head Gasket - 1UZ-FE
Hard starting
Archive through April 22, 2016
Archive through July 08, 2016
Archive through July 17, 2016
Manual v8 idle issues
1997 UZZ31 Dying Randomly
How to calibrate speedo for bigger wheels?
Just pointing something out about FUELS.
91'UZZ30, Engine ECU and/or Fuel Pump ECU trouble
Who here can still do a burnout with their V8?
Engine hunting off throttle
91 sc400 miss firing on low revs
Need a Soarer ECU repair? Call this guy. (VIC)
Gold Coast mechanic anyone
Timing belt slipping , crankshaft pulley 0 mark 180 degre...
Head removal on the V8
UZZ31 with 1 litre/kilometre or 1 kilometer/litre
Hard starting, Hard running.
Strange Ticking
Coolant expansion tank for 91 V8
Soarer bush sizes incorrect?
Post 1uz >w58 conversion.. Slow after it heats up then......
Engine idle
V8 stalling when put into drive or reverse
Part name
UZZ32 Grinding sound
Archive through November 04, 2015
Archive through December 11, 2015
UZZ31 Starting Issues
V8 Coil issue
Coolant Flush with Tectaloy Red - Bad?
Acceleration Issues
Major Service Kit
Block seal
Power Steering Pump Exchange
Power steering pump bolts
Help open door error
Alternator not charging message
Few issues
TPS problem?
Catalytic Convertors Advice
Gear level moving when coming to a stop
Power steer pump rebuild issue
Torque Convertor Issues?
Fuel gauge issues - already cleaned it.
Jap Spec Seatbelts for UZZ31 - wanted
UZZ32 steering
Rant about working on a Soarer
Archive through December 09, 2014
How to remove ECU? followed guides - thing won't come ou...
Cleaning Later Model IACV is it possible?
Fuel restrictor leak - FIXED - with pics.
Plastic cover under car broken
V8 -Blowing blue smoke
Installing Extractors
Overflow bottle question.
Archive through January 17, 2015
What do these codes mean? Diagnostics*
Part number: 7" firm hose connected to top of charcoal ca...
Reverse beep only works when it wants. Door chime also.
The Soarer bible - Questions.
1991 UZZ31 Soarer, not running well.
Archive through October 15, 2014
E Tuner ? Cihan still going ?
Lack of power when warm?
Archive through August 12, 2014
Signs of a dying battery or alternator?
The dreaded engine surge and rev looping.
Running rich, Blowing white smoke from exhaust with stron...
Idle to high what can it be
Rear lights warning, and overflow cap question
Suspension too high?
Is/are my coil pack(s) stuffed?
Biggest/most powerful engine that fits in a Soarer?
Dammit. TPS screw is wonky.
Faster acceleration - change diff, or get a turbo?
Archive through January 07, 2015
If the speed limiter is removed...
Acceleration issues
1uz LPG info (liquad/Vapour)
Archive through May 04, 2014
Electrical crackling noise under dash? V8
Fuel Pump ECU question (stamped number)
Alternator not charging battery warning coming up?
Car accelerates by itself, high idle looping from 1500-20...
Archive through August 19, 2014
High Idle - Bad alternator causing it? V8
V8 problems. cutting out, thing will be the death of me.
Car running on 4 cylinders
Archive through October 16, 2014
Toyota - Lexus ECU compatibility
Coil Pack resistance.
I need you to check your Fuel cap for me :-)...
Engine misfire at 4000 rpm
Archive through August 22, 2014
Archive through September 04, 2014
Archive through September 05, 2014
Archive through September 10, 2014
Archive through September 18, 2014
Archive through September 29, 2014
Archive through October 04, 2014
Reliable and cheap Mechanic in Victoria?
Uzz31 Fuel leak ?
TPS help
Can someone tell me what this is please?
How to fix timing belt that has been put out by a tooth
UZZ31 Running rough again
EMV - Air Con - Blank screen. Ran Diag - have Questions. ...
V8 Diagnosis by symptom (guide)
V8 Running and Ignition Issues
V8 Power steering questions
Engine stalls during system check then fuel fault code co...
V8 Engine Whine
Hard starting problem on my 31
This is how to bypass fuel ECU.
Having trouble getting soarer started
Testing fuel pressure?
Fuel pump strainers
Bypass fuel ecu issues?
V8 soarer throttle problem
Start, ya bastard!
Coolant squirting from overflow hose
A ghost lives in my Soarer...
Unstable idle when warm fixed - IACV rebuild
1UZ idle and engine ticking
Uzz30 overheating possible solutions?
No power under 3000rpm, high idle, electrical?
Castrol 5w30 "Edge titanium"
Hard start/noisy tappets?
1UZFE coolant leak - plate on right side of block near al...
Oil filter on a 1UZ
Steering rack on a V8
Steering Pump Removal (aka project nightmare)
Thread #5 on miss in 31
Archive through December 25, 2013
1uz Wont start/run ( help would be great )
Needs 3 goes to start first up in the mornings.
Fuel pressure test
1UZ Headers
Has my water pump had it?
V8 Flex Plate Bolts
Major Service Components?
UZZ31 stalled at the lights, please help!
Oil leak v8
Rattling noise when driving
Help!! I can not tell what is the problem with my V8 !!
V8 exhaust questions
Uz31 massive surging under load
V8 sc400 running like mower fuel smell
ECU V8- Help needed Sydney, Illawarra, Canberra or Hunter...
Power Steering pump vaccum switch
Replacing top end gaskets?
Helpful advice for those replacing starter motor on the V...
How to test fuel pressure on a V8
V8 soarer cutting revs at 2000rpm
Can someone ID this sensor
Higher temp than normal thermostat for a V8
Archive through August 23, 2013
Archive through October 20, 2013
Big miss in my 31, HELP!
Coolant temp sensor
Humming noise when engine not running?
Water Pump Leak?
Sensor above AC compressor.
Power Steering Pump Removal Dilemma
1UZ windage tray
Question on the resistance of primary circuit of Coil on 1UZ
O2 sensor wire ID please
Help to identify the right hand O2 sensor wire.
Identify ECU
V8 Cold Starting Problem.
1UZ missing at full throttle under 45km/h...
Archive through October 03, 2011
Missing/back-firing/stuttering once warm
Oxygen sensors for V8 welded themselves in to the thread ...
Someone to do the ECU caps on my 32 active, in the Brisba...
V8 starting rough.
Oxygen sensors for V8
V8 Oil Filler
Help! V8 engine problem
Part numbers/reference site, all toyota/lexus
I broke the belt tensioner. Anyone know what part it is?
Buying 1UZ 02 Sensors
Airbag pump dryer
Can anyone help with V8 engine vibration?
Archive through June 22, 2013
no power under load please help?
V8 problems
Modifying Standard Exhaust
Archive through September 10, 2012
1UZFE Revival Picture Heavy
Archive through June 15, 2013
Archive through June 23, 2013
Fuel Pump not running despite FP to B+ Method?
ECU, 1991 UZZ31 - Help !!
Big single v8 turbo project underway
Sound From Exhaust
Running the V8 with the bare minimum
Where to take water and oil lines from?
Very strange 1UZ FE Issue
Archive through April 21, 2013
1UZ Manifold Vacuum, inhg - sealevel, 20-25 degrees C?
Coil getting hot
Need a Mechanic
Exhaust / muffler woes. Help needed
Putting VVTI V8 into Soarer
Tell me what you think of my new exhaust sound
1UZ-FE Idle to Afm to Ecu problem, is there anyone in per...
Tank assy, Radiator reserve leaking
Auto hoses into radiator
Scrapping noise on idle but goes upon accelatartion 1uzfe
Engine not running right. Tacho not working.
Brake Accumulator Mount
Coolant leak
Spot The Screw
Chirping Noise From Belt
Just Broke This Hose , what is it?
1uzfe workshop manual?
Iridium plugs for 1UZ
Difference between 91 and 94 V8 Soarer
Archive through November 26, 2012
Running rich at 2200 RPM *long read*
Opinions wanted: Change rubber vacuum lines to silicone?
Egg Cups!
Neil Griffith's headers - loud ticking noise
Repairing alternator on v8 uzz31
Please Help
91 Soarer v8 not running right after timing belt broke/re...
Fuel pressure
The Evil Alternator not charging error, but it is?? HELP ...
Help urgent.....not going very fast!
Hey guys - interesting link on batteries
Single Turbo 1uz in HQ tonner
Surging miss when pushed hard on V8
Archive through September 13, 2012
Power steering on 32
Need Help Please
Exhaust setup
1UZ crank pulley holder tool
PICS - Is this ECU fried? + troubles with engine startup ...
NSW Mechanic
Washer bottles
Suspicious tick at idle...
ECU Repair
V8 soarer advice
MACHINE EXTRACTORS FLAT - Flange meet block end!
UZZ31 v8 not starting when warm
V8 Soarer- Engine cuts when trying to take off or acceler...
Coils stuffed?
Archive through June 19, 2012
Archive through July 01, 2012
Non starter when warm
Rough cold start
Fault code 12, 24, 31, what do i do?
Diff-back Exhaust, good option?
Archive through May 10, 2012
New Water Pump
Engine running cold and not thermostat
ITB on 1uz pros and cons?
Running rough when cold, also error code 13
Unsteady idle,only in 'P', only after driving???
Quick n Easy Part Number.
Is there an easy way to get the coil from the passenger s...
Steam from exhaust
Expansion tank deletion
IACV help
Tensioner assembly
Anyone got some spare shims?
Engine swap 31 into a 32.
Archive through April 21, 2012
Best way to go about replacing the AFM
Ryco air filters
Serpentine belt on V8 Soarer.
Sea Foam/ Subaru Top Engine Cleaner
1UZFE water temp install ?
91' V8 starts then stalls.
Vibration at 60-70km
Strange Idling Problem when stopped
Looking at new rims and tyres
Need help badly.
New radiater
Shudder @ 103kph - 120kph
Random Overheating
Alternative thermostats
V8 issues
Where to get OEM 90915-20004 Japanese Oil filters?
Fuel Pump Options
Over-revving and picking up speed on its own
V8 serpentine belt
Does any body know a good mechanic southport
Help Please.
What is this part number
Broken timing belt on v8
Engine cuts under acceleration
Convert 1JZ to 1UZ?
Random Tacho & speedo probs
Fuel gauge and warning light
Shaking V8
Overheating and steam coming out from behind engine towar...
LPG conversion
1uzfe missing and running rich?
Power steering pump
Wanted to Borrow 91 V8 ECU 89661-24220 Gold coast to Bri...
Service kit
Rebuilding question
Radiater cap pressure 1uzfe?
Best oil
Archive through May 13, 2011
Thermostate fitment will it fit ?
Block Huggers extractors?
Power / Torque limit of stock Celsior 1989-1994 driveshaft?
Car won't run unless I remove 1 spark plug
Exhaust noise the ugly one
Fan Oil what to use
Wheel alignment on a v8 with airbags.
Condensation on Spark plugs?
V8 idle issues
After wolf v500 ems map uzz31
Fuel pump ecu
Car stalls wile driving
Cruise Control
Which extractors for W58 V8?
Knock sensors
IACV help
Archive through August 12, 2011
Combination power steering and oil cooler
Celsior Steering Rack conversion to soarer
Gear box
Project twin turbo 1uz-fe
Archive through December 05, 2006
Need help motor surging badly
Torsen diff
V8 Extractors instalation melbourne
Archive through June 08, 2011
Valve clearance adjustment
Cold start injector running all the time
Idle Speed Control Valve - ECU pulse voltage
Chugging in 4th gear at low RPM
V8 custom exhaust sounds clips
What is it?
1UZ engine block temperature?
Exhaust leak
V8 coil part numbers
Timing belt change intervals - overdone?
Archive through June 19, 2011
Running on 4 - Looking for input
Archive through May 28, 2011
Archive through May 31, 2011
Archive through June 08, 2011
Car playing up, can't seem to lock down the problem.
Pinging and colder spark plugs
Running Rough and Missing Very odd
Burnt smell (Rubber?) + Smoke after some driving
Custom exhaust
Gates or Dayco timing belts
Serpentine Tensioner
Lesson learnt, never let your mates work on your car
How do you locate and remove cam sensor?
Stalling Issue
New to Soarers - need some help please
IAC Valve help.
Wideband o2 sensor question
SAFC question
Need help sourcing coil pack
LSD and vibrations
Noisy injectors
IGNITOR lead dead... fix?
Soarer UZZ31 Power Steering Pump
Fm convert
V8 running lean
Where is the fuel pump located?
Knock me around
51km power lost
Good V8 Mechanic QLD? Beenleigh...
Spluttering and coughing
Archive through January 15, 2011
T56 6 Speed to 1UZ-FE
Car making a scraping noise.
Pump kit for power steering
Competent Exhaust Shop? [MELB]
Crashed car with mechanical problems - HELP
Engine Removel Help
V8 power steering
Archive through February 24, 2011
Serpentine belt... no AC
Serpentine belts for a 32
Where is the Engine number positioned on a 1UZ Block
Injectors not pulsing
Manual conversion?
Thermostat Housing Part number.
Radiator needed in Perth
UZZ30 Random revs under any acceleration
Exhaust issues - catalytic converters
Auto trany
Dear Toyota...
Archive through October 19, 2010
HELP PLEASE: Need to borrow V8 ECU for 91 UZZ31
Spark Plug leads
Urgent Help: V8 sounds like a tractor and wont rev
Archive through October 18, 2010
V8 running bad when at normal temp
Difficulty changing fuel filter
Random Starting Problem
Started pulling the exhaust to bits...
Help - how do i release tension on active suspension pump...
Air Flow Meter connector...
Archive through December 15, 2006
Newbie with problem already.HELP !!!
Car cuts out and won't idle - possibly fuelling problem -...
If you think getting a K&N air filter is a good idea then...
Archive through November 22, 2010
Alternator reconditioning.
Sc400 Rev cut a 3750 RPM HELP URGENT
Radiator Cap
Car slow's down / revs drop suddenly while driving
Archive through December 12, 2009
Signal from ignitors but no pulse at top coil plug, pleas...
V8 wont start after long term storage
New exhaust pics
Archive through November 14, 2010
Troubleshooting. No spark
No power/signal to a coilpack on 1uz = only 4 cylinders =[
V8 Turbo
Archive through August 29, 2010
Archive through October 25, 2010
Archive through October 28, 2010
V8 Motor origin
V8 exhaust question
Archive through November 09, 2010
Car will only run when cold
Help can wont start
1UZ Running Rich on 4 Cylinders
Fitting Extractors in SA + cost
Noisy and stiff power steering after braking
Copper core radiator to go with 1UZ V8 (1996)
Good Adelaide mechanics?
Just want some opinions on BFI
Bloody oil filter on too tight..
Slide throttle injection manifold
Popping noise
1UZ V8 and how it runs on 4 cylinders or 6 or 8 depending...
UZZ31 won't run
Manifold studs
Soarer V8 Speed Delimiter
Archive through August 18, 2010
200k Service for my 1UZ v8
Archive through September 17, 2010
Sluggish v8
Archive through April 18, 2010
Thoughts on this exhaust
Ef thermos in replacment of standard fan
Good exhaust system?
Whining noise
Coolant system question
Temp gauge
New engine?
Problems with my shifter (soarer)
Surge tank leak?
Weight for Rego - ACT
Replacing Starter motor
Archive through August 19, 2010
V8 soarer dying like an old Holden!!!
Seal underneath thermostat
New exhaust, getting put in on on tuesday either a 2 or 3...
Archive through August 15, 2010
Archive through August 16, 2010
Archive through August 21, 2010
Does my 1uz have a Blown head gasket or similar?
Archive through August 02, 2010
More problems- just won't idle
2JZ engine swap for UZZ31 HELP!!!!!
Archive through June 30, 2010
Road Worthy NSW
Low reving
Late model 1UZ heads on an early 1UZ block?
Oxygen sensor
V8 after market exhaust
Archive through July 20, 2010
My V8 is not accelerating and over fueling
Painting Headers - Anti rust?
Ignition Lead Failures
Starting Problem
Sc300? and sc400?
EMV repair and english conversion
Possible thermostat problem?
Steering Bushes
1uz power steering
Overheating / restrictor
Taking care of issues before they take care of you
Archive through June 26, 2010
Archive through June 28, 2010
What is this?
Engine starting emergency urgent help
Exhaust Gasket
My Soarer V8 is not accelerating
V8 Power Surge
Rattle noise
Removing Cross Member
What material to use for making headers?
Running Nos setup on 1991 v8, which setup would suit best
Changing Coolant.
Balance pipe or True Dual exhaust?
Archive through May 25, 2010
So i assume another cracked top tank?
Archive through June 01, 2010
HELP - AFM Part Number
Replacing 1UZ Water Pump.
Torque Converter question
Camber kit!! need help
What is the correct 1uz running water temp?
Spark plug lead testing
Turning Over but not Starting
Ebay Coil
Urgent Auto Transmission help
Fuel tank Ring?
I pulled the codes 21,24,28, and 31
Steering Pump
Archive through April 28, 2010
Official ECU thread
Where does this o-ring go in a power steering pump?
Fuel cut
Electrical Fault
Weird water temp problem.....
Archive through October 02, 2008
Material for heat insulation
V8 soarer giving massive headaches runs on 4cyl intermitt...
List of to do's on my V8, any suggestions?
Engine fan oil?
V8 cam and crank seals
Ups & Downs with my Soarer...
Dual throttle body
"Low Oil Pressure" warning
Archive through September 19, 2009
Help - Dimension Needed
Slight Overheat
Plz help... Need part Fuel Pump Controller
Soarer workshop manual (yes for download!)
Archive through March 23, 2010
Archive through March 25, 2010
Archive through April 01, 2010
Car shudder
Coolant leaking from bottom of engine
Help with exhaust
Very bad hesitation with foot to the floor and no cold st...
Manta Automotive Estimate
High/looping idle when cold, low idle when warm!
Cam timing on sc400
Is the belt for a UZ32 same as for other V8's ?
I have a leaking radiator
Blitz ECU repair
Couple of questions
Anyone seen the Serpentine Belt tutorial??
Air suspension keeps dropping.
I think ive got a blown head gasket
Car overheating yet it's not
TT brakes on UZZ31
Serpentine belt tensioner?
Radiator top tank :-(...
Fuel problem
My V8 is Limping.. Help Help Help.....
A couple of questions.
UZZ31 94 V8 DAYCO serpentine belt
Car slows down quickly when i let my foot of the pedal
New serpentine belt and idler bearings fitted
Where to buy 94 V8 Gaskets? and other parts in Brisbane
Full Custom Stainless steel exhaust + RUSH Headers
Archive through January 05, 2010
EFI problem - too much fuel no revs, horrible idle
V8 runs like crap for a few seconds, then stalls
Soarer struggling
Squeaking from serpentine belt only when engine is hot
Engine electrical error code on dash after new engine
OBX Iridium Spark Plugs?
Cleaning Injectors?
Iacv-low idle car dies
Car Problems advice needed
Slow coolant / water loss - wrong pressure cap?
Location of Engine Coolant Temp Sensor.
Brake repair warranty need advice please :-)...
HELP Power steering problems
Archive through January 09, 2010
Need some info on the prop/tail shaft makeup
Now got power/new problem
Hydraulic oil pressure solenoid
V8 brakes same as NA supra?
V8 Lifters-noisy
No ignition - No power
Archive through October 23, 2009
Maybe cat problem - need advice
Rush Imports Extractors
Make Your V8 a 5 Stroke - Exhaust Article from Super Chevy
Some Minor Servicing
Alternator and tems
Rough Idles then dies! about to give up on sc400 :-(...
Strang noise? or is it just normal?
Strange burning smell
Bigger injectors
Greddy MX catbacks for US SC300, installed on 1UZ
Anybody Know This Code - Need help
1UZ-FE workshop manual?
Car is very hard to start, cant find problem???
Getting a catback exhaust
Archive through October 06, 2009
Archive through October 10, 2009
Archive through October 13, 2009
A wierd thing happened yesterday....
How difficult is it to get my cats off?
Help finding Fuse box
Increasing Compression ratio?
Archive through October 27, 2009
New exhaust questions
Archive through September 05, 2008
Archive through September 18, 2008
English conversion
Hurricane Extractors
Pretty sure my cat is dead .. help?
V8 Engine ticking only when Hot.
Strange noise
Fuel Rail differences ATTN: GURUS!
Need to listen to your car...
Removal of sump pan on 92' V8
How do u find the fault codes?????
Is Any Corrosion Really Really Bad?
An exhuast question for V8
Archive through September 04, 2009
Archive through September 18, 2009
Tail light
High idle 1500RPM
Radiator coolant level
What's my car supposed to sound like?
My alcohol injected 1UZ, with pics.
Steering rack repair
Help V8 running like sh*t
Spark leads
Help .. what is that noise?! "brrrrrrrzzzztt..... Ka-Chun...
1UZ-FE Severely Overheating?
Celsior Engine Numbers
V8 exhaust
Archive through August 13, 2009
Airbag suspension - replacment
Help me...engine oil
Archive through August 10, 2009
1uz-fe Turbo
Just washed engine now playing up HELP!!!!
Archive through August 04, 2009
Help! Need mechanic in Sydney to rebuild Power Steering Pump
HELP - POD filter flange + confirmation
Air Filter V Pod = where and what to buy? Help
Quesiton: OD (not needed?) + Proper use of kic pedal....
Uzz30 please help
Patiently waiting
Brisbane Workshops
Front lower control arm bush's which size? NEED HELP
Just finished 220km service
V8 coil packs
Bolt Pattern.
Pulley Bearings?
Why 98 RON
LIQUID LPG Injection
My V8 soarer seems to oversteer, very slow responce when ...
Service in Melbourne?
Warning light on dash
Injectors and types and sizes.......
Urgent help needed! white smoke and very high fuel consum...
V8 sucking a heap of fuel?
V8 swap
Engine change on uzz32
Differences from uzz32 and uzz31 engine block
New radiator - few questions
Can mounting the number plate affect performance?
Sluggish v8
Archive through May 31, 2009
Will 1uz-fe celsior engine fit into 91 uzz32 soarer
V8 coughing unburnt fuel smell
SC400 Radiator fit Soarer V8?
Clear light
Power steering failure??
Would my soarer v8 start with no compression on right bank
No compression on all 4 cylinders on right bank.
Losing oil no leak
Engine whining noise??
Waterpump and timing belt price?
Soarer electrical issues
Engine Starting Issue
Power steering fluid
New inlet manifold
Air box
Timing belt
1998 1uzfe with intake, rear exhaust, front cat delete dy...
Broken T joint - identity of and advice regarding
Lexus V8 throttle body set 40mm, 45mm and Long RAMS
Archive through April 02, 2009
My air suspension has a mind of its own!!!
440 cc injectors
Strange noise
Archive through April 26, 2009
V8 rear main seal leak
Car won't start immediately after filling up fuel
Ceramic coating headers
Heeeeeeeeeellllllllllllppppppppppppppp! I dont believe it!
Help.... loss of power, pinging, lagging... hissing sound...
V8 Exhaust too loud and droney
Adelaide soarer Help!
Idle air control valve
Rev's jump up/down while stopped - NEED SOME HELP
Ticking Catalysts
Harmonic Balancer Woes - Urgent !!!! Please Help please
Archive through August 01, 2007
Stalling problem while in reverse or drive
Valve springs
Timing Belt Not the Fuel Pump
V8 Tailshaft question...
Archive through March 09, 2009
Calling Part Number Wizards
Problem with belts or bearings?
Diff question
Just did the BFI on my V8
Engine Electrical Error Code 13
Just did head gasket, questions
Fuel pumo replaced, still won't start ,,.. Help !
Active rear RHS sagging suspension
Power steer hoses
Engine number location?
V8 Acceleration Not Always The Same?
Alloy Radiator V8
New Soleniode - Better fuel consumption
Transmission service kit
Strange Starting Problem... Need Help
Sump Removal Question
Diameter of tappet shims???????
Knock Sensor Number 2
Engine mount inspection.
A Discovery!!
Soarer/SC400 V8 Same as the Aus Delivered LS400?
Spark plug well....water found in
Internal Cleanliness - V8
Speed wabbles??
Seized engine????? help!!
92 SC400 1UZ AFM bypass?......
Head gasket options
What are missing?
Eneos oil
Draining oil
Compression Ratio...
Car running really badly
How do you adjust the fuel pressure regulator?
Changing spakr plugs - DYI
Measuring Valve shim clearances - 99,997km Engine.
What needs doing?
Where to Get Cheapest Spark Plugs
Stroker block problem - expert opinions required...
Archive through November 09, 2008
Quick Noob Question
Catalytic converter probs
Hydraulic fan
Thermo fan
Master Brake Cylinder Unit TRC
Which spark plugs - v8
V8 Fuel Gauge fix
Noisy steering column
Bleeding Cooling system
Removal of UZZ32 power steering lines
Serpentine belt
Will JZZ30 Intake fit a UZZ30
??Mechanics in Adelaide??help please.
Cat light blinks on and off under acceleration
Weird problem occured today - cooling system
Cambelt broke
Stainless Steel Rush headers
Mechanic in Blacktown & Steering Rack Question
Can someone tell me what this is??
Emv dvd
Oil Filter!
Shorter Belt to bypass A/C pump on a V8?
Spark Plug Seal
What engine oil should I be using
Spark plugs
Worth installing a catch can in a na v8?
Best places to purchase/order parts?
Mystery cranking problem please help
Fibreglass out of rear left exhuast
Steam from the hood
Got UniChip installed.. Dyno analysis
Oxygen Sensor
Air or Coolant ?
Lead saga
Ticking noise after installing new leads
Water reservoir leak?
How many K's should I be getting?
Archive through September 13, 2008
Wanting to change spark plugs, any recommendations?
Intake pipe Question
Help need a spare ECU
V8 power steering pump rebuild kit
Changing leads need diagram of what lead to what cylinder
2 cylnder Soarer
Hey! my stereo system
Car won't start :-(...
ECU compatability
Sevicing my V8 and odometer reading is WHACk
Help with Audio System Needed
Idle speed too high????
Need help wiring up injecotrs to Haltech E8
Error messeges + hand brake symbol it worth the effort having it installed?
One of the coils pack died & melted my cats :-(...
Adjusting valve shims, any gasketsto replace??????????????
2UZ-FE... can it go?
Transmission leak
Best way for more noise?
New exhaust, Poor economy....
Revs at 100km/h?
Where to get sump plug washer in south australia??
My soarer is sick.... guru help needed!
Archive through April 02, 2008
Archive through May 08, 2008
Radiator water temp fitting..
What size exhaust should I be running?
Soggy Bottom
Radiator Cap ????
Air in cooling system
What's the max muffler space?
Help with exhaust pipe size...3" or 2.5"
Spark Plug Leads
Leaking power steering
Poppin? Eating 2 much fuel?
Loss of power and fuel smell
V8 Alternator (another newbie)
1UZFE Evergreen Gasket/Seal kits?
Shims in V8
Looks like the waterpump is kaput
Little Air Things
V8 Cuts Out at 1500rpm
V8 Cat Problem
Massive loss in power
Thermo Fan Motor Leaking
Car stalling everywere!!!
Did I kill her or a bad co-incidence?
Temp rise V8
Smoke from engine
Cheap extractors (?) would these be any good.
Problem with crankshaft pulley
Smokey start up
Coolant Help ??????
Lubricating starter
Think ive killed a coilpack need oppinion -urgent !!
What Gear?
Steering rack issues.
Power Steering Hoses
Where is the best place to buy Dizzy plug new in NSW??
What is this
Just did the BFI, but what about the plastic pipe
Alternators, sc400 and ls400? ampage and fittings? 'urgen...
Power steering
Removing rear cat
Should this pulley do this...
Rival mufflers on 1UZ - anyone got them?
Gutless 1uzfe
High Idle Problem and Misfire
Blitz ECU Tuner?
What is the 1UZFE VVTi
The difference between v8 blocks
Aftermarket Computer fell out of my dash... Please help i...
Ive Broken the diff - need mechanic
Battery life
Has anyone used seafoam?
More Dyno Questions!
It has to be the car
Legs burn as i drive!!
Loud tapping/clunky noise when engine fan speeds up
Part no for power steering hoses
V8 fails to start after over heating
V8 Serpentine Belt Thrown Off
Dyno places in Melbourne.
Where to buy a regulator?
Increase v8 power
Ebay Waterpump/Timing belt kits? Also, no AC Compressor, ...
Clearing a heater matrix air lock?
Fitting Perfect Power SMT6.
Need help urgently
How can i tell if cambelts have been changed
Cat light on ... now gone.
Help me with exhaust
V8 ignition woes
EMV Diagnostics
Cat converter warning light. Just a wiring problem or urg...
Finally rid of belt squeak
Steam and Coolant everywhere :-(...
Head gasket
Urgent-- need pics of sway bar mount
Sump plug size? Thread : 12mm x 1.25mm or 14mm x 1.5mm
Engine hesitating under load
Need maf sensor urgent
Need RWC
Ecu dramas?
Diagnostic ECT 63
Another Vibration issue
No spark then bad idle
PLEASE HELP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! - V8 running rough
Should I be WORRIED?
Exhaust question plus Service question
Slow to start
New to the scene
V8 suddenly acquires ANTILAG ! help
AFM Price ?
Clunks,whirring and taps...
Uzz31 engine conversion question
Crown gear please help
Gauges and oil pressure
Noisy power steering pump
V8 dyno
My Soarer stalling like a dying chicken
Spitting Exhaust
Denso single wire oxygen sensors
What size fits?
V8- Clunking noise at the rear.
Squeeky Tensioner
Strut Bar?
Knock sensor
SMT6 help please
Oval Style muffler choices...
Drive belt part number + local mechanic hehehe.
Exhaust heat shield Insulator?
Possibly overfueling???
V8 problem
Motor Problem
1uz not idleing properly tried fuel ecu and idle valve re...
Position of Pod OR duct to standard filter?
SMT6 Piggyback ECU finally working V8 SC400
Archive through March 15, 2006
Archive through April 06, 2006
Archive through April 06, 2006
Archive through April 09, 2006
Archive through April 12, 2006
Archive through April 13, 2006
Archive through May 14, 2006
Archive through June 14, 2006
Balance pipe
Lubricate starter
Running rich - consumption up power down
Power Steering Pump Rebuild
Starter motor remaining engaged after start
V8 Air filter
Archive through September 26, 2007
Catch cans (any but ebay)
Tune up
Engine squeaking...
Question from a TT owner. Economy comparison.
Replacing altenator
Extractors - what are the different pipe sizes available?
Stock V8 Injectors to 7MGE Injectors
Anyone heard of forza flow mufflers
Need new lifters
V8 Engine Smoke
Is this exhaust ok
V8 Auto Trans fluid level high?
Diff noise / clunk
Valve Clearance adjustment didn't fix my problem...
Archive through August 30, 2007
V8 Died Electrical System Light came on, see more inside
PLEASE HELP! V8 Wouldn't start
Air intake
Belt tensioner
Oil separator and breather kit
Taking out/installing O2 sensors
Cleaning injectors/ carburetor and good mecahnics in SA?
Steering Problem
V8 Air Intakes
Heater Matrix
Leaking Coolant Level Sensor.
Strange sound while turning slowly.
Power steering pump emergency after transimssion change
Referral Please
Accelerate/decelerate clunk
Install SM6
Good place to buy pulley/bearings ?
Coolant Low Message - but it's not low?
Engine Block Plug?
White exhaust gas?
Starter Motor Problem
Removing Starter Motor - Help Needed (Post Crash Post!!)...
Engine pinging, poor performance, heavy petrol consumption
Stuttering v8 soarer
Archive through June 14, 2007
N/A mods
Good place in Adelaide SA to get timing belt and water pu...
Missing Something!?
How long would it take to fit your Soarer Headers?
V8 Coughing
Archive through June 08, 2007
Adaptronic questions..
Engine Electrical Warning/Car Missing
Funny noise
Another coolant sensor question
Fault Code??? Need Help
Shudder & Noise
Running rough, vibrations, occasional misfire, before i s...
Seafoaming ??
Using stock rear mufflers on exhaust system
V8 Running like anus... suspecting dead coil?
200,000km service - advice, things to consider
Rocker Cover removal & Inspection....
Start up query
Help needed changing V8 engine mount
Problem starting my v8 soarer
Turning off knock sensors
Brake Pads - Which type do people use?
Looking into getting a soarer
Grrrrrrrr dodgy workshops
Strange Noises?
Need help
Archive through March 07, 2007
Archive through March 15, 2007
Hooray for extractors!
Archive through March 08, 2007
What is that noise?
Some V8 TT questions, Forged bottem end, boosting, etc
Archive through April 23, 2007
Ignition Kits on Ebay
Big Problem :-(...
Pic wanted please
Lemember Hiroshima!!!!!
Seeking ideas regarding a couple of strange issues...
2jz in uzz31
V8 rev limit
Car wont start...
Water Pump Gasket
Has my coil pack gone?
Exhaust Question
Archive through March 14, 2007
Archive through April 01, 2007
Archive through April 02, 2007
Diagnostics/EMV late ('96) Soarer
Plugs and Leads: 4.0L GT-LTD
Need some advice on the 1991 SC400
Newbie Experience - 4.0 GT-L V8 UZZ31
Some pics of my new sc400 project
Power Steering Seal Kit
Engine squealing
Spark some $$$
Air con turn off
Manual gearbox for V8 soarer
Turning off under 700rpm
Strange noise since belt change
(newbie) gear box problems
V8 auto to manual conversion help needed
Transmission Problem
Dyno result questions
Major Problem.. Need advice!
Archive through February 16, 2007
Stock V8 Diff - Oil type
V8 Cambelt Inspection
Archive through January 16, 2007
HELP....Need to know Fuel Economy Of A V8
1UZFE and NOS??
Cleaned Fuel gauge
Uzz32 radiator leaking - who should i contact in WA?
Battery dies when vehicle on hoist
Faulty ECU
Urgent Question
Cam belt timing
Buying a V8 - Who can I get to look at it?
How do you replace the dizzy cap & buttons?
Removing the Cats....
Crank Angle Sensor error 13
Launch question
Archive through January 16, 2007
Problem starting
189rwkw N/A
Archive through January 19, 2007
Removing 1UZ Harmonic Balancer bolt.
Low Radiator Level Warning.... :-(...
Archive through January 12, 2007
Catalytic Converter light
Big single 1UZ-FE :-)...
Temperamental 1UZFE Soarer
Correct Oil filter?
Archive through January 03, 2007
I got the need for speed
Speed sensors
Overheating cats and lack of power
Archive through November 15, 2006
Coolant issues...need desperate help...may be cooking
Airbag struts
Soarer v8 engine number?
Toyota ATF IV 4l tin Pricing..
Broken coolant sensor removal
V8 Coolant Level
Preventing the V8 Ticking...
Archive through November 29, 2006
Archive through December 06, 2006
8 throttle body injection
Differences in water pump? (For '91 V8)
Overheating - can i cook my motor?
Gearbox mounts interchangability
Time for a transplant.
Anyone know max boost for supercharger with stock ECU
Archive through November 23, 2006
Help with V8!!
Water pump leaking.... and then this happened!
Archive through November 22, 2006
Car storage requirements
Power Steering question
Alternator not charging battery
2 inch cats dogs and cannons worth it?
Mech work on a V8 Soarer in Geelong
Tick tick tick...
Noisy Catalytic Converters
Squeaky Engine pully bearings?
Archive through November 08, 2006
100k service - advice?
Niall or Nathan?
Engine electrical system
Speedo adjustment
Car wont move in "Drive"
1uzfe Air flow meter question
Car missing at low speed
Electric window problem
Middle muffler removed, but lost lots of power?
Archive through October 25, 2006
Archive through October 28, 2006
Low compression
MAF Sensors?
Cam belt tensioner pulley
Wire going into V8 blow RH Coils.. i think
32 Owners..............possible useful info re: removing ...
Starting problems with 98 RON
Strange Starting Behavior
Motor and motor change
Looking for front cuts or halfcuts???
Burning more fuel??!
Archive through September 30, 2006
Does anybody know, the BPH of stock V8 92 soarer?
V8 Soarers Exhaust notes
Can you do doughnuts in a V8????
Archive through September 08, 2006
Noisey Fuel pump
BFI help
V8 Rotor Buttons
Newbie saying hello, and problems overheating
How do I get my radiator out??
LSD on Soarers????
Bring on the TTs
Archive through August 07, 2006
Essential checkups on V8
My 8 throttle body injection!!
Coolant overflow bottle
START-UP issue!!!
Whirring sound
Error message translation
Need Exhaust System in Adelaide
Archive through August 17, 2006
Supercharged and intercooled
Anyone Running LPG?
Archive through July 02, 2006
Power Steering
Distributer cap.......
Strange clunk
Noise after turning the car off
Size of Stock cats?
Fitting Headers
Car slugish on launches
Bugger still having problems HELP
Archive through August 19, 2006
Removing coolant sensor O-ring
What is the white male female plug?
Noisey Pulley - Image attached to explain
FI ignition retard
Blown Soarers
Archive through April 01, 2006
Wierd noise
MAP Sensor
Turbocharging the 1UZFE is it possible?
Archive through July 10, 2006
Plastic skid pan bolts
Radiator Reservoir
Crank Pulley swap
Sounds like a dunny!
V8 Brake Pads
Power steering Vacuum after supercharging
Loud noises coming from the rear left hand wheel
Rear engine oil seal.
Archive through July 24, 2006
SUS NG code 73 and TRC NG code 46
Calibrating Fuel Gage
Calling Neil Griffiths or some one that know's his car we...
Squeak sound releasing gas pedal
Injector O-ring needed today!!
White smoke and smell with a rattleing noise......
Clunk when selecting reverse gear.
LOL was not fuel pump ECU or fuel pump Guess what it was
Malpassi Rising Rate FPR
What the?! engine dying
Sometimes cars just piss me off !!
A question for all you experts with V8's? Think your work...
Fuel Pump ECU?
Soarer stalls need help.
Fluid leak from radiator drain tap
V8 revs
Jaycar digital fuel adjuster
Smoke even when warm?
1UZ modification path
Archive through June 20, 2006
Heading porting the 1UZFE....worth it? better than cams?
Archive through June 21, 2006
V8 oil filter housing
Turbo 1UZFE Dyno Results
Fuel economy from a V8
Dyno of Individual Throttle Body setup
Archive through June 07, 2006
Dreaded coil packs
New Exhaust, Sounds GOOD ... BUT
Why is there petrol dripping out of my A/C line???
Engine and associated components, need help??
Air Bag Compressor Specs??
Cannons on V8? Too overboard???
Looking for a 1uzfe engine PLEASE HELP
Dyno Tuning in Melbourne
Causes of MissFiring
Archive through April 30, 2006
Lumpy and smokey start
Leaky Oil Filters
Identify a clunk?
Ler remove aircon and replace with smaller belt
Fuel leaking out!
Emissions for a 1992 Soarer V8?
Storing the Stoarer?
Fully synthetic oil
Archive through March 28, 2006
Lack of power
Catalyctic converters
Toyota Parts for Soarer V8's and Selsiors
Running lines for an oil cath can :s
Apexi AFC
Archive through March 08, 2006
URGENT,PLEASE HELP!! cars broken.
Something is leaking
Worth checking? Wire from fromt of left cylinder head rub...
Timing belt & confusion!
Help a Seppo in need......
Exhaust Paint
Starving For fuel?
Cleaned my AFM, now I have an AFM error code...
Radiator top
Oil cooler on passengers side
Having some trouble with my new V8 Soarer
V8 Running Very Rough - Update
Soarer leaking fuel help!
1UZ sounding like a WRX :S
Archive through January 26, 2006
Archive through January 31, 2006
Archive through March 10, 2006
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