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  Soarer Central * Modifications * "Track Day" Jumper for firmer suspension. Previous Previous    Next Next  

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Peter Nitschke
Junk Filterer
South Australia
GT4.0 V8

Posts: 2667
Reg: 11-2004

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Sunday, December 11, 2005 - 08:41 pm, by:  Peter Nitschke (Pen) Edit Post Delete Post Print Post   View Post/Check IP (Moderator/Admin Only) Move Post (Moderator/Admin Only)

Soarers have a black diagnostic port located under the bonnet on top of the engine. Pop the top open and don't be bothered if it appears to be full of white goo, it's there to protect against rust etc.

If you have any form of TEMS (electronically adjustable suspension), one of the diagnostic tests puts the suspension to it's firmest settings. We can exploit this setting to firm up the Soarer for track days, hooning or all the time for normal driving.

This modification has no effect on UZZ30's or TT's without TEMS.
Daniel Lee
Soarer GT Limited UZZ31 V8

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Reg: 07-2005

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Sunday, August 21, 2005 - 12:42 pm, by:  Daniel Lee Edit Post Delete Post Print Post   View Post/Check IP (Moderator/Admin Only) Move Post (Moderator/Admin Only)

The diagnostic port (under the bonnet, on top of the engine).

Using diagram under cover, locate jumpers Ts and E1.

Find a bit of wire and ram home the wire between the two jumpers linking them up.

Check that your TEMS sports light is flashing and you have a white square to the right of the clock on the dash.

NB if you can't see these indications, try pushing harder on the wire to make a firm connection. It took me a couple of attempts.


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