I have a 1982 MZ10 in malaysia, just owned it 6 months ago...and need some advice on that.
It has a 1G-GTE engine transplanted in it. (auto), and i have some problems with getting some parts for my beauty.
1. What manual transmission can i plug in for the 1G-GTE
2. The max i can go is about 150 in the speedo and i feel that the is so much lack of power, what can i do to boost...the twin turbo seems to be working fine.
3. What sort of suspension can i fix...having problem with what would be the compatible model
4. Where can i get parts (Tail light, front light and back lid)
Your assistance is highly appreciated as i think there is only less than 5 MZ10 in malaysia.
Would a W58 fit well in her? Thats from the supra as well i think.
There are some used jap parts importers in malaysia, but frankly speaking 9 out of 10 importers dont even know what a soarer is and the 10th guy dont import or have soarer parts.
Would it be possible to plug in a LSD for the MZ10?